Year 1 2024 - 2025
Welcome to Year 1
Key Stage 1 is made up of Years 1 and 2.
Year 1 is made up of 2 parallel classes.
In 1S Mr Simeson is the teacher.
In 1A Miss Anwar is the teacher.
The support staff for Year 1 is Mrs Day.
Staff Contact:
Purple Mash Guide
Please view the below guides on Purple Mash
What We Have Been Up To
Please feel free to have a look and read through what we have been doing throughout the school year.
Olivia Owl
Thanks to the children who have looked after Olivia Owl so far this half term. She is really enjoying hearing your stories.
Year 1 have been learning about the past within living memory. We have looked at toys and games our families have played in the past and what TV programmes and cartoons they may have watched. We have also look at transport over the years and how this is similar and different to today. Here are some images of what we have been getting up to.
We have had a good time researching, designing, making and evaluating our sliders we created ourselves. Have a look at our images below.