School Uniform

Here at Moldgreen, we believe that it is important for our school uniform to provide a common purpose as well as ensuring that our children foster a feeling of pride. We ask that all children wear our uniform and encourage them to maintain a good standard of clean and tidy dress in school. Please see the below poster for a visual example of what is acceptable uniform.


Uniform Expectations.PNG


Our badged uniform can be bought from the Term Time Wear shop in Huddersfield or online via their website. We also work with Uniform Exchange who help to redistribute good quality, pre-owned uniform items. If your child/children do grow out of any uniform items, we have a donation box in the main school entrance and we are always very grateful for any donations.

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Get Directions

Moldgreen Community Primary School, The Avenue, Moldgreen, Huddersfield HD5 8AE | 01484226681 | [email protected]

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