
Kirklees admissions policy and information

We aim to offer three terms, part time nursery education before a child starts full time school.  Nursery admission will generally follow the birth pattern below:

3rd Birthday falls between Entitled to Nursery place
1st January - 31st March 1st April (or start of summer term)*
1st April - 31st August 1st September (or start of autumn term)*
1st September - 31st December 1st January (or start of spring term)*






* Subject to places being available

Criteria for admission to Nursery
To register your child for nursery please visit the school office with your child's birth certificate and proof of address.

Nursery Admissions are dealt with by the school and we follow the Kirklees Admissions criteria.  Children will not normally be allowed to change from one Kirklees nursery to another, unless there is a significant change of address. Entry will be staggered during the first week of the term of admission to allow children to settle. Children are able to attend for 15 hours per week and from now, if parents meet the eligibility criteria can attend for an additional 15 hours per week making a total of 30 hours. Please see the website and complete the online eligibility screening for your unique code. 

Special admission priorities may apply to children with special educational or social needs, after consultation with outside agencies.

Get Directions

Moldgreen Community Primary School, The Avenue, Moldgreen, Huddersfield HD5 8AE | 01484226681 | [email protected]

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