Letter from Year 1 Staff w/c 18th May

Date: 18th May 2020 @ 11:19am

Dear Parents/Carers.

We hope you are all keeping safe and this week’s suggested lessons have gone well. Remember to share any work your child has completed, whether it’s their school work or something else they may have achieved. We always enjoy seeing what they have been up to. Remember to check the ‘Shout Outs!’ newsletter and blog.

We hope you enjoyed reading the messages from all the school staff on the video created by Mr Norris. It is available on our website homepage: https://www.moldgreenprimary.co.uk/

Here are the details of work for next week:


For next week we would like you to complete lessons for week 4. They are pasted individually below in the order they should be completed.

These lessons build on this week’s work, so it is important that they have completed those first. They will be using their knowledge of the value of each digit in a 2 digit number to compare and order numbers. The lessons look at using a number line. So again if you have a tape measure this would work fine. It also talks about using Deines apparatus as shown in the video (the towers of tens and ones) again your child could make the towers of tens using lego bricks, or they could simply draw towers of tens and ones to help them to compare the numbers.







If you would like something extra, your child may enjoy playing the game below to reinforce their learning:




For English this week, we would like you to complete the lessons for Week 4 (each lesson has a link below in the order it should be completed.)

These lessons include phonics, spelling and this week the area covered is identifying and writing questions, based on the story ‘The Tiger who came to Tea’. We have looked at questions before so they will be familiar with this. The lessons progress through the week from reading the story, committing it to memory, identifying and writing questions and finally writing the story.







The phonics lessons launched at the end of April are still available on the link below. New lessons are added daily during the week.  https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuGr6z2H2KNGObda6B-T36vJlZYN06lOh

Please also try to read with your child regularly and record this in their reading record. For further reading resources, OxfordOwl have free ebooks for you to access and share at home: https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page


Our school has a subscription to a handwriting programme called Letter-Join.  For details of how to login see last week’s letter. It is available on our Year 1 page of the school website https://www.moldgreenprimary.co.uk/class/year-1  on the Year 1 blog.


Other Subjects:

In science this week, we would like you to complete https://www.thenational.academy/year-1/foundation/how-can-you-measure-rainfall-year-1-wk4-3  which looks at measuring rainfall.

For art this week, we would like you to complete https://www.thenational.academy/year-1/foundation/to-make-insects-using-natural-materials-year-1-wk4-5 which looks at making insects using natural materials.

For geography this week, we would like you to complete the two lessons about the continents South America and Antarctica. The links for both lessons are https://www.thenational.academy/year-1/foundation/what-is-south-america-like-year-1-wk4-1 and https://www.thenational.academy/year-1/foundation/what-is-antarctica-like-year-1-wk4-4 

The above work schedule and links are there for you should you wish to use them. Whilst they are important, we also feel that you should only complete tasks that flow for you and your family in your day-to-day life during this difficult time. Activities should be fun and not be stressful for children or parents.  You and your family’s well-being are paramount to us.

We look forward to seeing all the fantastic work you do. You could email them to us at the email addresses below. These emails can also be used if you need any further help, advice or if you want one of us to call you.

[email protected]

[email protected]

Thank you,

The Year 1 team

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Moldgreen Community Primary School, The Avenue, Moldgreen, Huddersfield HD5 8AE | 01484226681 | [email protected]

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