Letter from year 5 staff w/c 4th May

Date: 1st May 2020 @ 1:12pm

Hello Year Five children and carers,


It was lovely to catch up with you over the last week. We managed to call and chat to most parents (or, where possible, leave a voicemail if you were busy). It was lovely to hear how you are all managing during lockdown and what you have been up to. We were pleased to hear that you are keeping up with your reading and schoolwork, keeping in touch with each other and helping at home. Miss Smithson did a quick ‘is- your- bedroom- tidy?’ check. Scores ranged from a good 6 to an outstanding 9 (well done Elisah!). It was great to hear how helpful you are all being: looking after brothers and sisters, helping them with their learning as well as getting on with your own, baking and gardening to mention name just a few.


We would love to hear about some of the ways you have been entertaining yourself. From zoom dance classes being led by your dance teachers so that classes can continue, to den building in the back garden (Tia was creating her own outdoor space when Miss Smithson spoke to her last week). You’ve been creative, inventive and healthy! You might like to send photographs of any art or craftwork that you have created or send us pictures of the bikes rides you’ve been on (Dimari and Mikolaj loved sharing their cycling adventures with Miss Brierley when she spoke to them) You may have written some amazing character or setting descriptions, diaries, maths investigations, science or history work. We would love you to share any of your achievements.


Big Sid’s greatest achievement seems to be breaking the world record for the amount of time spent sleeping on his throw.

Murphy’s greatest achievement seems to following Miss Brierley around the house at every opportunity. He’s definitely not as chilled out as big Sid! He enjoys being near her when she’s working and has been trying to help out with her work (see picture)

Well, as we are having pet pictures, we can’t leave out Ziggy, he was 9 on Easter Sunday, so he had boiled eggs with gravy bones, as a treat!

Very exciting, dog related, news to come next week from the Gaukroger household.

We hope your pets are a little bit more active than big Sid. Send us some pictures of your animals to make us smile.


We hope you’ve got your pencil and paper ready for week two’s lessons



This week’s English lessons are all about character descriptions. Last time we thought about these we were exploring the characters from Carrie’s War. The set of lessons that you are about to begin include reading, spelling, grammar and punctuation, text investigation and writing. Your online teachers will guide you through the activities can help you to develop your skills. Remember to ask a grown up


Lesson 1 and 2 are reading comprehensions focusing on fact, retrieval and word meaning

Lesson 3 is all about identifying the features of a character description

Lesson 4 is a SPaG lesson which should remind you about relative clauses

Lesson 5 is when you have the opportunity to plan and write a character description. You can let your imagination go wild creating an incredible creature…your own version of a Wagoll.


The lessons include daily spelling practice and a test on Fridays. Remember that you can improve your skills using Spelling Shed!


Don’t forget to keep reading whilst you are at home.



We hope you have enjoyed some of the maths lessons from Oak National Academy and the Whiterose Maths website this week.

We bet you’ve learnt lots about translations from the teachers on Oak National Academy. If you’ve been on the Whiterose Maths home learning lessons, you will have learnt lots about fractions and decimals too.

Remember you don’t have to print out the work - just write your answers in the books that you were given or tell an adult your answer if it is too long to write down.

The Whiterose Maths website has four weeks of lessons so if you haven’t been on there yet, the work will still be there for you to access next week. If you have completed all of the lessons then there should be a new week of lessons coming at the end of this week (1/05/20) or the beginning of next week (4/05/20).

On the Oak National Academy website, the lessons for this week (lessons 6 -10) follow on from translations and are about reflections. Watch the videos and have a go at some of the activities.


Maybe you could be creative and make your own drawings which show some of the reflections that you have learnt.

 Oak National Academy Maths lessons

Lesson 6 –To identify and describe reflections Lesson 7 – To describe reflections using coordinates Lesson 8 – To reflect shapes along axes

Lesson 9 – To reason about reflections

Lesson 10 – To make links between reflections and translations



 TT Rockstars

We have seen that many of you have been on TT Rockstars last week. Ten children from each class went on TT Rockstars at some point last week. Well done to all of you who have played TT Rockstars! Your speed must be increasing and you must have lots of coins to spend. Let’s see if we can make that 15 children from each class this week!


 Foundation Subjects

In addition to the weekly history, science, art and modern foreign language lessons, Oak have introduced PE to the number of activities on offer.

Using the Oak Academy, for week 2, there are some interesting lessons to learn about kings from the 12th century, Who was the meanest? Who made terrible mistakes? And who was a great King? If you haven’t completed the history lessons from last week, (week 1) you might find it helpful to look at those first. These history lessons can be found on Monday and Thursday, for week 2. There is an interesting art lesson on Friday, creating visual texture. There is also the opportunity to learn some Spanish and a science lesson about metamorphic rock, however many of you will already have learnt about that in year 3.

So instead, for science, look at BBC bitesize as our current topic is lifecycles and reproduction.



Now is a brilliant time to be looking at wildlife and their lifecycles, have a look when you are out for your daily exercise, you may pass a pond with tadpoles etc. or by just by looking at nature out of your window, remember to look to the sky too. I would love to know what you see.  I have something nesting in my garden – can you guess what it is? There is a clue in the top right corner.

Do your best to take part in as many activities as you can. Focus on your maths and English but have a look at some of the other lessons on offer too. Something might just appeal to your inner historian, scientist or linguist.


Before we finish we would like celebrate the way in which many of our families are preparing for Eid during the season of Ramadan. We hope that time together with your families will bring an even greater sense of kinship and devotion during this a special time.


Continue to stay safe and care for each other. From all the year five staff.

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