Letter from Year 2 Staff w/c 25th May & 1st June

Date: 23rd May 2020 @ 4:00pm

Hello again Year 2,

We can’t believe it’s this time of the week already! We hope that you and your families are all still staying safe. 

Firstly, we need to say  Happy Eid Mubarak  as at the weekend many of our families will be celebrating the end of Ramadan.

Secondly, and probably more importantly (!), next week would have been half-term.  We feel very strongly that you should still have a break from school work so…..Mrs Pearson would like all children to not do school work next week.  This week has been Mental Health Awareness Week and so therefore we would like you to have fun, do things you enjoy (riding your bike, painting a picture, playing with your brothers or sisters), anything that makes you smile and feel happy!

When school would have started back after half term, on 1st June, the whole school will be working on the Oak National Academy week 5.  We would like all children to be learning the same thing, at the same time, so whether they are in school (in Nursery, Reception, Year 1, Year 6 and Key Worker children) or at home, we will be able to support all our children in the best way possible.

Once again, it has been fantastic to receive your emails showing us some of the work from Oak National Academy that you have been doing and some of the fun things you’ve been up to too! Mrs Williams loved the pictures of Sienna’s two new baby rabbits and thought that the dance routine video for her online competition was wonderful.  She has also been proud of Amaya for working hard on her Spanish days and weeks as well as Maths and English.  Miss March has loved receiving so many photographs this week. She thought Harrison’s ideas of places to read were hilarious and loved seeing his new puppy pictures. She is so proud of Ayesha for all the hard work she is doing and loved hearing how Lexie and Issac were getting on at home. She is so happy Lybah and Awen are still working hard and not giving up. Well done!

Last week we set you the challenge of finding somewhere unusual to read as it is really important to keep your reading up.  Here are some of the places you found…

So this week I have carried on my baking by making paradise slices.  I have to say they were delicious and very quickly disappeared – to the point I baked another batch yesterday! As they have lots of cherries and sultanas in I keep kidding myself that all the sugar in them doesn’t count! As the garage is now built, this week I’ve been helping Mr Williams to make the shelving units to go in there – I’m now a dab hand with a router! I’ve also been busy writing reports and helping to plan parts of the new curriculum for next school year.

We hope that you have a lovely week off from your school work next week and will feel refreshed and ready to start again on June 1st.  Remember…try your best, do a little bit each day and if you’re stuck get in touch with us [email protected] and [email protected] .  Below is the work that you will start after half term – remember, we want all children to be doing the same week regardless of if they are in school or not so that we can help you all!


Mrs Williams and Miss March

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