Letter from year 2 staff w/c 13th July

Date: 10th Jul 2020 @ 1:31pm

Dear Year 2,

How are you all?  We hope you are well and staying safe. 

This week it’s been lovely to see Laiba’s art work that she has done at home.  It has been fantastic to see some of the year 2 children back at school and trying hard with their work! 



We hope you all had the opportunity to join in with the virtual sports day and enjoyed yourself doing so.  Hopefully, you were also able to log your scores on the Yorkshire Sport website to contribute to the school total. We’ll let you know more about how we did as a school as soon as we know!








Although we are currently following the Oak National Academy for maths, WRM is still available.  Each week worksheets are uploaded on to our school website for you to access.  This week, however, they have launched ‘child and parent’ booklets.  These booklets follow the methods and strategies that are being used in school to help children understand and enjoy maths.  The booklets are completely free and can be downloaded either to a kindle from Amazon or from their web page https://whiterosemaths.com/resources/primary-resources/parent-workbooks/


Miss March’s Adventures

I have had a wonderful week in school. I have changed bubbles and I am now working with some of your friends in a year 2 bubble. We have worked so hard this week and I have been so impressed with how amazing everyone is with their reading. Your mums and dads should be very proud of all of the work they have done with you as you are fantastic! I am sure the rest of you are just as amazing too and I cannot wait to see you all in September. We also enjoyed our virtual sports day and I was very tired from throwing, catching, spinning, clapping and laying down on the floor! As well as working hard at school I have also been very busy with my naughty puppy Luna. She has enjoyed the wet weather this week and has particularly enjoyed digging up my garden and making herself very dirty! She is allowed outside on a walk this weekend for the first time so hopefully she will behave herself.