Letter from Nursery Staff w/c 22nd June

Date: 19th Jun 2020 @ 1:51pm

Dear Parents/Carers.

The children who have been in school this week have all had a positive experience and were happy to be back even if it was a little different. We still have some space in our nursery bubble so if you were thinking you would like your child to attend, please phone the school office as we would love to see your child in school.

Next week we are continuing with our topic on Transport. We will be focusing on a book called the Hundred Decker Bus. There will be a link on Tapestry so the children can hear the story. We will be using our imagination to design a deck on our bus and we will be going on an adventure. In maths we will practising counting back. We will continue to look at a letter sound and there will be a work book for you to complete. Keep posting on Tapestry so we can see what you’ve been doing even if it’s something completely different.

The National Academy

The National Academy is continuing to post lessons online for you to access if you wish.


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Keep checking our website for information https://www.moldgreenprimary.co.uk/ and follow the school on Twitter @MoldgreenCPS We now have some things on the blog, there are some photographs of the children who have been busy and sending photographs, we only post if you have allowed permission.

Mrs Hamilton can be contacted at the email address below. [email protected]

We have no information of what school will be like in September, we are aware that some of your children are moving into reception and we are putting plans in place to aid your child’s transition. The staff will do everything they can to ensure your child is happy and settled.

Kind regards,

Mrs Hamilton and Miss Nichol

Get Directions

Moldgreen Community Primary School, The Avenue, Moldgreen, Huddersfield HD5 8AE | 01484226681 | [email protected]

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