Letter from Year 3/4 Staff w/c 8th June

Date: 5th Jun 2020 @ 3:18pm

Hello everybody,

We hope you are keeping well. Thank you for the e-mails so far about the work you have completed and the images we can look at and print off.  We hope you had a safe and happy half-term.

Keep an eye on the school website as you will see shout outs in the school blog and you can see some of the work you are sending in and what other people are getting up to.


It sounds like many of you are enjoying the Oak National Academy web-site and I know it is being used across the whole of the UK, with many children completing the activities.

Year 3 - https://www.thenational.academy/online-classroom/year-3#schedule


Year 4 - https://www.thenational.academy/online-classroom/year-4#schedule


This week’s work is:


Year 3 – English – story writing work based on Traction Man’ and how to use prepositions.

                Maths – Focusing on shape

                Foundation – RE: Looking at the parable of Jesus and looking at Christian texts.

                                PSHCE: Your country Needs You!

                                Science: Plants adapting  to different environments

                                Art: Optical Illusions!


Year 4 – English – Character Description focusing on using subordinate clauses.

                Maths – Shape and symmetry, comparing and drawing angles and focusing on right angles.

                Foundation – PSHCE: Your Country Needs You!

                                RE: The 5 Pillars of Islam and looking at the Holy Book of Islam

                                Science: Uses of light

                                Art – Optical Illusions


Remember that we are following the Oak Primary lessons a week behind; this is to give Moldgreen teachers the opportunity to check the lessons before we ask you guys to complete them. There will be lessons on the web site that we haven’t yet asked you to complete. You should be looking at the week beginning 1st June. It is Week 6. The children in school are also following this work, so we will all be doing the same work.

Has anyone had a go at learning any Spanish?

Please feel free to continue to email about any issues you have or support you need. Also the school office is open Monday to Friday during school hours for you to telephone and speak to a member of staff.

Remember you can still use TT Rockstars and Spelling Shed and the teachers are keeping a track of your progress from school and home. Please also continue reading to your adults at home – if you need more reading books please contact the school office.

Stay Safe and see you all soon.        Y3/4 team

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Moldgreen Community Primary School, The Avenue, Moldgreen, Huddersfield HD5 8AE | 01484226681 | [email protected]

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