Letter from Year 2 Staff w/c 29th June

Date: 26th Jun 2020 @ 12:12pm

Dear Year 2,

We hope you are all doing well and enjoying the beautiful weather we have had the last few days.  We also hope that you are still continuing with your home learning – it is really important as it will help you when we eventually get back to school.  This week we have had very few emails showing us the work you have been doing so we’re really hoping it’s just because you are so busy and have not had the time to send them!

Miss March’s Adventures

This weekend I went to pick up Luna the puppy. She has settled in to my house so well and is a big bundle of fun. Unfortunatley she doesn’t like sleeping very much so I am very tired this week. I have been very excited too because it was time for me to go back to school! I am now teaching the reception children and we have had lots of fun outside with the lovely weather. I am missing you all very much though and cannot wait until we can be back together again.

Mrs Williams’ Adventures

This weekend it was Father’s Day. We treated Mr Williams to a take-away from one of our favourite restaurants and went out for a lovely walk in the sunshine.  However, on Saturday,  I had moved 3 tonnes of slate chippings on our drive so I was feeling rather achy on the Sunday! I was both excited and sad when the Prime Minister announced the new guidance for people shileding - excited because from 6th July I will finally be able to meet people outdoors. However a little sad, as until 1st August I am still not allowed to go out to places such as the supermarket or garden centre– it will arrive eventually though! This week I have been answering parents questions about home schooling – not just for year 2 but 3 / 4 aswell.


Oak National Academy English Learning – week 9

Lesson 1- To retrieve information. In this lesson, we will be retrieving information from Chapter 2 of 'The Odyssey', retold by Louie Stowell.

Lesson 2- To make inferences. We will be making inferences from Chapter 3 of 'The Odyssey', retold by Louie Stowell.

Lesson 3- To add detail to expanded noun phrases. In this lesson, we will be learning how to add detail to expanded noun phrases using the word 'that' and adding a verb and adverb.

Lesson 4- To add detail to expanded noun phrases.  We will create a bank of expanded noun phrases to describe the Cyclops from the text. We will add detail by choosing appropriate verbs and adverbs to add to our expanded noun phrases

Lesson 5- To write a character description. In this lesson, we will be using our work from this week's lessons to write a character description of the Cyclops.

Oak National Academy Maths Learning – week 9

Lesson 1 – Adding 2-digit numbers (regrouping)In this lesson, we will be finding out how to add using the column method when our equation requires regrouping.

Lesson 2- Subtracting 2-digit numbersToday, we will be finding out how to subtract using the column method.

Lesson 3- Subtracting 2-digit numbers (regrouping)In this lesson, we will be finding out how to subtract using the column method when our equation requires regrouping

Lesson 4- Consolidation and application. We will be consolidating how to use the column method for addition and subtraction equations that require regrouping.

Lesson 5 – Consolidation and applicationIn this lesson, we will be consolidating and applying our knowledge of calculation strategies.

Foundation Subjects- Oak Academy

Science - How does the Earth orbit and rotate? In this lesson, we will be learning about how the earth orbits and rotates. We will learn how long it takes for the earth to orbit the sun and we will learn why we have seasons.

Geography–  1. Where are the world’s people?  We are starting a new geography unit! We will be learning all about different settlement types, including villages, towns and cities. Today we will learn about the population of earth, and where people can be found around the world.

           2. What is a settlement?  In this lesson we will be learning all about what a settlement is. We will learn about the key differences between villages, towns and cities, and how cities are growing in size and population.

Art – To create repeated patterns.  In this lesson, we will be learning about patterns and how to create them. Today’s artwork will be inspired by an incredible artist called William Morris (remember, we looked at his work when we did our Victorians topic before Christmas). His work includes wallpaper design and print, furniture, stained glass windows, tiles and tapestries. You will need a piece of paper and a pencil to create a wonderful piece of artwork

Spanish- To be able to describe physical appearance in Spanish.  We will recap our previous Spanish lesson, then learn how to describe our hair and eye colour in Spanish!

PSHE- Agony Aunt.  In this lesson, we will revisit the Colour Monster story, and discuss how the monster felt better by sorting his feelings into jars. We will discuss worries that some children have and suggest ways to overcome them. We will then create our own thought stopping strategies.

PE – Joe Wicks PE is still available 3 mornings per week (Mon, Wed, Sat).  Keep being active though! You do not have to do the Joe workouts though – there are lots of other things you could do – some of you may have Just Dance (or can access it on Youtube), copy tictoc type routines, jump around the garden or go for a bike ride!

Have you seen the Activity Clubs on Oak Academy?  There are some brilliant clubs on there, such as scouts and art clubs with some fab things to do.  If you’re looking for something fun to do, here might be a good place to try! There’s craft activities, recipes to make, science investigations to have a go with to name but a few. 

Remember…try your best, do a little bit each day and if you’re stuck get in touch with us [email protected] and [email protected]


Mrs Williams and Miss March

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